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Your Salon Empire

Pay Yourself More - Dollar Per-Minute Rate Calculator

Pay Yourself More - Dollar Per-Minute Rate Calculator

Regular price $49.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 AUD
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Figuring out how and what to pay yourself can be a tricky and often stressful part of being a Salon Business Owner (believe me, I've been there!).

But what if I told you that you could set your own wage, that the sky wasn't the limit and you didn't have to log an extra 10 to 15 hours per week just to reach your goal income?

Well, that's exactly what I am telling you - but how you get there isn't a series of financial guesses, price hikes or extra hours on the salon floor - it's actually a very simple set of mathematical equations!

And I know what you're going to say - "Math? I'm not good at math", or maybe it's "I'm not busy enough to pay myself more".

That's why I've created the dollar per-minute rate calculator. A simple to fill out spreadsheet that takes into account your revenue goals, your pay goals and the number of hours you want to work in order to pay yourself the wage that gives you financial freedom - and like I said, this isn't dependent on you working more hours or breaking your back to get there - it's a matter of working your numbers correctly and charging what your time, skill and energy is worth!

Here's how it works:

  1. Download your DPMR calculator spreadsheet and fill in the green boxes with your current business figures (these can be ball park, projected or actual!)

  2. Add in how many hours and days you WANT to work (not have to work, but WANT to work)

  3. Read the calculated figures of what numbers you have to hit in order to reach your goal wage and then apply your personal DOLLAR PER-MINUTE RATE to your services using the Service Pricing Calculator

  4. Enjoy the rewards of your work, knowing that you are charging what your skill is worth and that you have the power to create more time, money and freedom for yourself at any time by using this resource!

As complex as it sounds, it really isn't. This is the exact calculator that I created for myself that formed the foundations of my being able to bank a comfortable 6 figures per year as a Salon Business Owner.

Simply fill in the details and work towards your goals on your own terms! These figures can be adjusted at any time to allow you to be flexible within your business with both your time and your pay.

It's like they say - fail to plan, then plan to fail! This resource is your own personal guarantee that you get paid by your business for your time, energy, and skill - in other words, what you are worth!

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